Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hello Everyone! I will be running for Miss Utah in June 2011. Below is my platform statement, please comment if you have any advice or would like more information. Throughout my year as Miss Draper I have been going into schools and speaking to students about the brain disease of addiction and the devastating realities of what drugs can do to an addict and their family . My brothers, who are recovering drug addicts, and I love speaking opportunities so if you would like to schedule us please comment below. Thank you for visiting my blog! Please visit my website as well -

P.L.A.N. to Recover from Addiction

The disease of addiction nearly tore my family apart as I watched my two older brothers suffer with various drug addictions until it nearly ended their lives.  What I didn’t know then is that addiction is an actual disease of the brain and unless understood and treated correctly, is progressive, chronic, and fatal.  Tragically eleven of my brothers’ friends have died from their addictions.  My greatest passion in seeking the title of Miss Utah is to implement my “P.L.A.N. to Recover from Addiction” nationwide:  Provide the newest information on the disease of addiction; help the addicted affected as well as their families Learn how to manage the disease through attending free 12 step recovery meetings; implement Awareness assemblies and seminars to warn of the dangers of the disease of addiction; and Network with industry professionals, national organizations, and recovering addicts to provide the best possible support to those shackled by the chains of addiction.

Today, more than one in ten children in the United States under the age of 18 live in homes with a substance-dependent or substance-abusing parent.  Substance abuse, when encompassing alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs, costs our society more than $484 billion dollars per year. In 2009, approximately 600,000 deaths were attributed to addiction, and for the past eleven years Utah has been the highest state per capita cited for the use of prescription drugs! 97% of Utah prisoners were incarcerated due directly or indirectly to some form of addiction. Addiction is devastating families in our communities and across the nation and it is imperative that this destructive disease be addressed and a P.L.A.N. of action taken!  As Miss Draper, I have had the unique opportunity to combat addiction through speaking engagements at anti-drug events, teaming with the DARE program to speak to children at our local schools and promote twelve-step meetings through creating flyers and having them placed in our local newspapers.  Currently I’m creating a national website ( where I will be streaming  testimonials of long-term recovering addicts who share their heart wrenching stories and  how twelve step meetings have become not only the foundation of their recovery but also have helped to save their lives!  I have partnered with The Institute for Addiction Studies and am currently working with them to produce a commercial with a message of hope: Long term recovery from addiction is a reality! An alarming majority of addicts state that they began experimenting with drugs and alcohol when they were in middle school, barely older than children.  By the time these teens are in high school most are fully addicted; experiencing a complete disconnect from their will, followed by complete hopelessness!  Teenage suicide often stems from the deep despair of addiction and the Miss America Organization could enable me the opportunity to raise a voice to support the “P.L.A.N. to Recover from Addiction” in secondary schools nationwide! This Spring I have already arranged to speak with Alema Harrington, treatment professionals, and others at our local secondary schools to warn of the dangers of addiction.  I am also working with Utah Support Advocates for Recovery Awareness (USARA) and have also received $1,000/month funding (as needed) for my “P.L.A.N. to Recover from Addiction” from Federal Financial Group, a National Financial Services company committed to educating families on the solutions for addiction.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), addiction is in fact an illness, as real as cancer, and addicts suffer from a literal brain disease with a genetic component. And like cancer, addicts need treatment and therapy in order to recover. Tragically, only 1 in 85 addicted people receive the help they need, and most are shunned as social outcasts. There are over 100,000 free 12 step meetings worldwide and over 50 different types of addiction meetings that correspond with those addictions listed on the internet! 12 step meetings have healed millions of alcoholics alone throughout the world and are now being used to heal a wide variety of addictions and addictive behaviors, such as codependency.  12 step meetings and the knowledge of addiction recovery has helped save my brothers, my family, and it’s my turn now, with the help of the Miss Utah title to help save others!  The Miss America Organization will be seen as an organization that is committed to healing individuals and families who suffer from the disease of addiction as well as changing society’s views of the addicted, who are not bad people who need to be good, but sick people who need to get well!

Twelve Step Meeting Schedule!


Ask recovering addicts this question, “What was the biggest help for you in finding and maintaining recovery from your addiction?” Most all will answer: “Attending a twelve step meeting!” Addiction is progressive, chronic, and fatal!  Addiction is a brain disease with a genetic component.  Addiction is a family disease.  You don’t have to feel alone; as soon as you go to a meeting you will feel hope, support, and healing.  Twelve step meetings are programs of attraction and not promotion. (This flyer is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare provider.) 

Sample of 12 step meetings offered in Draper, Utah.  You can create your own schedule by clicking on the links below and entering your own personal preferences and location!

12:00 PM
LDS 12 Step
8950 South 400 East
  3:00 PM
Alcoholics Anonymous
675 West 10600 South
Coffee Shop
  7:30 PM
Alcoholics Anonymous
2015 East Newcastle Dr (8890 S.)
  3:00 PM
Alcoholics Anonymous
675 West 10600 South
Coffee Shop
  7:30 PM
LDS 12 Step
272 East 12200 South
ARK room 103
  7:30 PM
LDS 12 Step
915 East 9045 South
  8:00 PM
*Al Anon/AlaTeen
7486 So. Union Park Ave.
12:00 PM
Alcoholics Anonymous
10640 South 160 West
  7:00 PM
Alcoholics Anonymous
7486 So. Union Park Ave.
  7:30 PM
LDS 12 Step
586 East 8400 South
  8:00 PM
Alcoholics Anonymous
12900 So. 1300 East
Church, bsmt.
12:00 PM
Alcoholics Anonymous
115 West 7200 South
  7:30 PM
LDS 12 Step
12830 So. 2700 West
  3:00 PM
Alcoholics Anonymous
675 West 10600 South
Coffee Shop
  7:30 PM
LDS 12 Step
11626 So. 300 East
  5:00 PM
(12 and 12 AA Study)
8575 South 700 East
  7:30 PM
LDS 12 Step
2195 East Pepperwood Drive
  7:30 PM
LDS 12 Step
11000 So. 1265 East
 7:30 PM
*LDS Family Support and separate 12 Step
12830 So. 2700 West

*Both Al Anon and LDS Family Support are for spouses, family, or friends suffering from the addiction of a loved one.  Codependency (destructive dependency) can cause extreme negative emotions and behaviors.  Because addiction is a family disease, the more loved ones learn about the disease of addiction and work their own recovery, the more likely the family’s success! 

Alcohol Anonymous:


God grant me the serenity to accept the
things I cannot change, the courage to
change the things I can, and the wisdom
to know the difference!
Al Anon/Alateen:
Cocaine Anonymous:
Narcotics Anonymous:
Overeaters Anonymous:

Friday, March 25, 2011

My Platform


This is my Platform for when I ran for Miss Draper in May 2010-

Increase Understanding and Solutions for the Disease of Addiction

                Every day obituaries are reporting deaths of far too many fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, and loved ones due to some form of addiction. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), every community is affected by drug abuse and addiction, as is every family. Substance abuse when encompassing alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs, costs our society more than $484 billion dollars per year. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, Americans perceive drug abuse as a major public health problem, and many of America’s top medical problems such as heart disease ($21.5 Billion a year) and motor vehicle accidents ($21.2 Billion a year) can be directly linked to drug abuse.  In the year 2009, approximately 600,000 deaths were attributed to addiction. Addiction is devastating families in our communities and nation. It is a pernicious disease that affects us all.

                Addiction nearly tore my family apart. I watched two of my brothers suffer with various drug addictions nearly ending their lives and tragically leaving my family in shreds. Fortunately, we have found success in the twelve-step programs for healing addicts and their families. Both of my brothers are now in recovery and doing very well. I have spent countless hours over the last two years researching and writing papers on the disease of addiction and its solutions. I have visited rehabilitation facility centers, attended twelve-step meetings, and spoken with licensed substance abuse councilors in order to further my understanding of this disease. By serving as Miss Draper and being involved with the Miss Utah Organization, I hope to give a voice to the newly found evidence of the disease of addiction. I will use this evidence to provide new awareness, hope, and treatment for those who find themselves or family members trapped in the snare of addiction.

                In order to solve the problem of addiction, we need to change our communities’ mindset about what addiction really is and what an addict can do about it. Today, according to NIDA, we have evidence through neuroscience with actual brain scans that prove addiction is indeed a literal brain disease and we need to treat it as such.  Like diabetes or cancer, those struggling with addiction need to be loved and educated on the nature of their disease and taught how to manage it.

                97% of Utah prisoners were incarcerated due directly or indirectly to some form of addiction. According to The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, only 1 out of every 85 people that suffer from addiction actually receives the treatment and therapy necessary in order to recover. I believe that we can dramatically improve the number of relapsing drug and alcohol abusers by providing treatment rather than a prison sentence. We need to address the root of the problem - the addiction - instead of throwing the addict into a cell to work their addiction out by themselves. There are many resources available for addicts and their families in our community, but how do people learn about them?  Where are they offered?  Our community and state offer many free services and support groups. I am working with the Draper Paper to provide information to our community about the twelve-step meeting opportunities for addicts and their co-dependants.

As Miss Draper, I am planning to work with local school districts to host assemblies that will educate high school and middle school students on the dangers and recovery options of drug and alcohol use/abuse. I am currently working with The National Institute for Addiction Study (IAS), as well as USARA (Utah Support Advocates for Recovery Awareness) in order to implement my plan of action. I have found recovering addicts and licensed substance abuse counselors with amazing success stories such as Alema Harington (KJazz Sports Newscaster) and Rob Walton (Director of USARA), who have agreed to speak and give educative heart felt experience on the real life dangers of addiction. Heather Anderson, Miss Utah USA 2007, has also agreed to speak at these assemblies and share how addiction has personally affected her life. I will also utilize recovering addicts, including my brothers, to educate other addicts of the success that twelve-step recovery programs can bring them. The administration at Alta High has whole heatedly agreed to host our first assembly in the fall of this upcoming school year. My main goal is to educate our community with the newest information on the brain disease of addiction, and to also inform others that addiction is in fact Chronic, Progressive, and FATAL if not treated correctly.

                With the help and power of the Miss Utah Organization I can prevent and decrease the pain of addiction in our community. Draper needs an influential spokesperson who will capture the eye of the public and bring forth a change. By working with IAS, USARA, recovering addicts, industry professionals, and other national organizations, I will improve the lives of families in our community suffering from this disease. If I can prevent even one person from suffering the pain I’ve seen my brothers go through, then my service as Miss Draper will have been a success!